Last Summer I went on a last minute cruise. The cruise holiday was so cheap that I felt like I was on cloud 9. This cruise was around the Mediterranean. The facilities were very good. There were family cruise packages for families. Also there were other people I met that had booked through a discount cruise. There was even another ship for Wedding cruises and Honeymoon cruises. I have made this blog for anyone else that has been on a cruise to post their thoughts.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Information on Cruises to the Mediterranean: 09 November 2005

Cruise lines say they're protected
A run-in with a band of pirates on the high seas may seem like the fodder of fairy tales, but security measures are solid reality to the cruise industry.

Crew of cruise ship gave pirates an earful
As pirates armed with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades closed in on a luxury cruise liner off Somalia's coast last weekend, crew members fended them off with water hoses and an electronic device that blasts an earsplitting noise.

Pirate Attack Raises Cruise Security Questions
MIAMI (AP) -- It sounds like a scene in a Hollywood blockbuster: Pirates fire rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns at a luxury cruise ship full of tourists off a lawless African country.

Passengers describe pirate attack on cruise ship
A cruise liner that was attacked by pirates over the weekend docked safely on this Indian Ocean archipelago Monday after changing its course to escape.


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