Last Summer I went on a last minute cruise. The cruise holiday was so cheap that I felt like I was on cloud 9. This cruise was around the Mediterranean. The facilities were very good. There were family cruise packages for families. Also there were other people I met that had booked through a discount cruise. There was even another ship for Wedding cruises and Honeymoon cruises. I have made this blog for anyone else that has been on a cruise to post their thoughts.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Going on a Cruise for your Honeymoon: 12 October 2005

What some people won't do for peace
The first time I visited Italy I did so in the company of a golden-haired 2-year-old boy and his father. It was also my first trip ever out of the country.

Screenwriter, director and music lover Cameron Crowe has built a career crafting onscreen moments that seem to
"Great music is its own movie, already," Crowe said in a recent discussion of the centrality of music to the conception and execution of his films. "And the challenge, as a music fan, is to keep the song as powerful as it wants to be, to not tamper with it and to somehow give it a home."

Marriages, Oct. 9, 2005

Doctor, Give Me The News: I've Got A Bad Case Of Loving You
Ron Bauerle talked to Suzi Pelletier for a year before asking her out on a date. She was cute and he liked her red MG sports car, he said.


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