Last Summer I went on a last minute cruise. The cruise holiday was so cheap that I felt like I was on cloud 9. This cruise was around the Mediterranean. The facilities were very good. There were family cruise packages for families. Also there were other people I met that had booked through a discount cruise. There was even another ship for Wedding cruises and Honeymoon cruises. I have made this blog for anyone else that has been on a cruise to post their thoughts.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

News on Cheap Cruises: 11 October 2005

Any Profit in a Storm
By Ridgeway, James Mondo Washington STORMY WEATHER ALLOWS BIG OIL TO PRACTICE A CRUDE SORT OF BLACKMAIL Running away on empty: A Texas trooper checks an empty van whose driver ran out of gas while fleeing Rita and kept running. WASHINGTON. D.C.

Town Car 4 Door
A Honey for the Money!!! A Honey for the Money!!! What things have gone wrong with the car? Due to the excessive weight of this beast, it eats brakes.

The nifty Nissan Pathfinder
Those who malign dual-purpose SUVs probably never drove one.
The big gallery at ACCA is so large that it can accommodate a whole island - a rocky outcrop emerging through the floor, as a perilous desert land might rise from the waves. -


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